
Chris Buron learns to sew a face mask in the garden at the Fabrica. July 2020.


A few weeks ago, the shop was dusty and cluttered with unsorted donations . Weeds and flowers were growing up through the cement in the courtyard. Trash and leaves were nestled into the corners around the front of the building, looking like they’ve moved in permanently. The Fábrica had been closed for months! But, since then, we’ve quietly shaken off the dust and opened our doors, kind of.

A few weeks ago, the collective of volunteers who run The Fábrica met in a backyard to discuss the possibility of reopening. Eight of us, in a large circle with lots of space in between seats. We’re not paranoid, we just trust the scientists on this one: it’s still not safe to be sharing germs with whoever you might pass; it’s best to wear a mask when you go out; sharing food/drink and being inside for extended periods are especially risky behaviors; and the number of COVID-19 cases is rising dramatically again. Despite all that, we’re allowed to be open now…for now.

It became clear to use over the past few months that many of you are really hankering to dig through the bins of fabric to find something that will inspire a new project! Some of you have been hand-sewing up a storm and are now craving the quick efficiency of a machine. Folks want help with a textiles arts project that is a little tricky or just beyond what they feel comfy doing on their own. And we miss The Fábrica too!

So, we figured out a plan for reopening and put it into place about a week ago. This is what it looks like: All masked-up and observing physical distancing recommendations, The Fábrica is open Mondays and Saturdays 3 - 6 PM. During those times there will are two work stations set up outside in the courtyard. Each station has a sewing machine (and maybe a serger?!) and a few notions and tools. You can make an appointment for a 1 hour time slot online or in person. There will be 2 volunteers available to help with projects, machine stuff, and getting tools and fabric. Only volunteers will be allowed inside, so if you need to get fabric or other notions, you’ll be interacting with one of the volunteers to find stuff for you. (This is nowhere near as fun and digging through the bins. Alas, that’s the way it is for now.)

We also have a few things for sale: embroidery and mending kits, a few patches and pins, tote bags, and a few homemade garments. The garden is looking lovely right now, so please stop by to check it out even if you’re not needing supplies, help, or access to a machine.

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